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Portrait of Ruth Tarvydas


Portrait of Ruth Tarvydas

Oil on canvas, 91.5 x 152.5cm (sold)

Prints of 'Ruth' are available.
Part-proceeds of all sales will be donated to beyondblue charity;
buy a print here

I was fortunate to have met Ruth to begin painting her portrait in early 2014.

Ruth was a bold, wildly creative and driven woman; yet instantly giving and unpretentious. Our conversations during the portrait sittings revealed her inner strength and abundant positivity, but also a deep sense of vulnerability and existential questioning. We were both experiencing the loss of loved ones at the time and reflecting on our own purpose or direction as artists and designers. I felt as though we quickly became friends and I was looking forward to getting to know her more in the future, however Ruth tragically died in May 2014.

She never did see this finished painting.

Ruth Tarvydas took Australian fashion to the world with her ‘Tarvydas’ label. Ruth will undoubtedly remain a true icon of Australian fashion and an inspirational figure in terms of her work as a designer, a mentor and a missed friend to many.

Read an interview with me about the experience of painting the portrait here

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